Monday, June 29, 2009


Cal Trans

train stops
moving scenery
beautiful decay
bum shanties dressed in recycled decor
strangers exchanging glances various in nature
Mr. blue eyes with his worn leather nap sack
clouds that swirl and shift in shape


anticipation of visits with true friends
anticipation of colorful streets
and smells of city culinary delicacies
anticipation of the feeling of freedom the city inspires
anticipation of the dancing, smiling, happy me!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Spontaneous Beach Walk

gleeful laughter
sand between my toes
a cool breeze
the crash and splash of emerald waves
sweet tea
unspoken promises
moments in the sun
sunsets of summer
exchanging random thoughts of desire

Welcome to Alisha's Poetry Puddle!

Hello everyone! Welcome to the Poetry Puddle!!!!!!!!!!! The place I go when I puddle! I hope you enjoy!XOXOXOXOXOXO

Peace and Love, Alisha